Resident Library Cards
The State of Michigan certifies the service area of each library. Putnam District Library’s service area is the Village of Nashville and the Townships of Assyria, Castleton, and Maple Grove. Putnam District Library cards are free to those who own or rent property in these townships. If inactive, resident cards expire after 2 years. (The library circulation system identifies “inactive” as any patron who has not checked out a physical item from the library.)
Non-Resident Library Cards
Library cards for those living outside of Putnam District Library’s service district cost $35.00 per year/per card.
(Some patrons from other service areas may have privileges at our library if they had cards in good standing previous to this policy’s implementation in January 2009. This is at the discretion of the library director and is evaluated annually.)
Maple Valley Student Non-Resident Cards
Students currently attending Maple Valley Schools and employees of Maple Valley Schools may apply for a free non-resident card. This must be applied for annually and may only be used by the person to whom it is issued. The same guidelines as other non-resident cards apply.
Library Card Applications
The library card application is a legal and binding contract and, by signing the accompanying card, the patron takes full responsibility for all materials borrowed on the account. Patrons are reminded that not returning library materials is a misdemeanor. By signing the contract, the patron also agrees to pay all copy/printing fees he initiates, library fines, and/or damage and replacement fees for materials checked out to the account.
Please note that a physical library card or government issued photo ID must be present when items are checked out.
Library Card Procedures
Library card applications must be opened in person. Proof of address and government photo ID must be provided at the time of application. If the government photo ID does not show a current mailing address, the applicant may show a utility bill, lease agreement, etc. as proof of mailing address.
Parents/guardians opening accounts for youth under 18 must also do so in person and provide proof of address. Please note: The adult who opens the account is responsible for all use related to that card.
When a physical library card is presented, the library assumes the bearer has permission to use the card for checkout of items except computer use/internet access. Therefore, patrons should keep a close watch on who has access to their cards and report lost/stolen cards immediately.
Lost or Damaged Library Cards
Lost or damaged library cards may be replaced at the circulation desk for a charge of $.50 per card, payable at the time a new card is issued...